Hi Andreas
It works in this case, but things are a little more complicated than
they should be. Please see below.

On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 12:59:18PM +0200, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 11:14:51AM +0200, giuseppe bonacci wrote:
> > Package: xlibs-data
> > Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-1
> > Severity: wishlist
> > Tags: l10n
> > This seems to be a cross-package issue, but I think this is the best
> > place to raise it. I know I could play with config files and solve the
> > problem for my pc, but that would not be useful to other users.
> > 
> > I need a system meeting three conditions:
> > 
> > - use English localization for messages, numerics, date conversions and
> >   so on.  (this suggests C or en_US)
> No ...
> > - use a charset including the Euro symbol. (this suggests ISO-8859-15 or
> >   UTF-8)
> > - have 8 bit long characters. (this rules out UTF-8)
> ... this suggest using leaving LANG unset and only setting LC_CTYPE to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (No idea whether this is supported by xlibs.) The whole
> point of the different LC-variables is that you can selectively set
> them.

But... I did never mention Italy!  How could you know I have [EMAIL PROTECTED]
available?  And what if I were a Turkish-speaking Zurich-based banker,
exchanging euros with the rest of Europe? :-)

Seriously: why generate a locale [EMAIL PROTECTED] that I don't need? The
only thing I need is a particular charset. I know, one cannot decouple
locale information and charset, but at the very end en_US.UTF-8 and
en_US.ISO-8859-15 should be equally legitimate, and differing in the
charset only.

Moreover: for the Euro community, there are [EMAIL PROTECTED] aliases, but if
you think .e.g. of ISO-8859-2 (simply a charset, no relationship with
the country where you live), there is not such shortcut.

In short, (after making sure /etc/locale.gen included both
en_US.ISO-8859-15 and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) I tried in bash the following commands,
and I cannot understand the results:

$ unset LANG


$ LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO-8859-15 xterm &
Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C

Why does the first locale works while the second does not?

> BTW, don't you use A4 in Italy?

Yes, we do.

> > When I 'dpkg-reconfigure locales', my best choice is to generate
> > en_US.ISO-8859-15 (also listed in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED), and set LANG
> > (or LC_ALL) accordingly.
> [...]
> > Now, what about trying to keep xlibs-data's information in sync with
> > locales' information?  Maybe it suffices to have the postinst script for
> > xlibs-data _merge_ entries from /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED (if present)
> > into /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/locale.alias, after remapping ISO-8859-x
> > to ISO8859-x.
> This indeed would be nice.
>                cu andreas

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work as smoothly as I thought. In
fact, after quite a few experiments, I could not yet manage to have my
xlibs-data bless en_US.ISO-8859-15.  Now I will try Voodoo.

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