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Ok, I have now finished the infrastructure using version maps, but 
before I upload I would like to describe the process, for feedback, 
comments etc.

Basically the dir structure is this:

sarge/  woody/  xfree86-kbd.preinst ispell.preinst ispell.postinst 
ktouch.postinst kde2.postinst links.postinst


ispell ktouch xfree86-kbd kde2 links

You might notice that ispell has both preinst and postinst scripts, 
this is because skolelinux/woody uses postinstallation configuration, 
while ispell in sarge, can be preconfigured using debconf preseeding.

And the process:
update-locale-config is called, if a flag -p is given, then it 
executes the .preinst scripts in conffiles.d, otherwise it executes 
the .postinst scripts in the same folder. This is to ensure that we 
can use configuration in pre- and post- stages of installation.
Each *.{pre,post}inst script has a version map that it uses to decide 
which version it should run. I have separated the common routines in 
common.pl, and use this to get the appropriate version. Here is a 
small part of the conffiles.d/xfree86-kbd.preinst:

- ----------------
require 'common.pl';

getopts("dlp", \%opts);


my %xvermap = ( '4.1.0-1',     => { RELEASE => 'woody' },
               '4.3.0-1',     => { RELEASE => 'sarge' }

my $script = "xfree86-kbd";
my $package = "xserver-xfree86";
my $release = get_release($package, %xvermap);
$script = "$release/".$script;
print "Running $script $lang\n";
system ($script, $lang) if -x $script;
- ------------------

Basically, I wanted it small and clean, so that it would be easy to 
create new ones. The xvermap array holds the versions and release 
names. I just put the minimum versions in which the configuration is 
different (4.3.0 introduced some slight differences in XkbOptions).

I then execute the $release/$script file, which is the same script as 
it was in locale-config-skolelinux. I prefered this approach as I 
really like modularity and dislike huge scripts with lots of if 
clauses :-)
If for some reason, an older/newer version has no available method for 
{pre,post}-configuration then the script can just be a dummy script 
(a link to /bin/true perhaps?).

How does get_release() then works?
If the package exists AND is installed then i compare the currently 
installed version to the version map. If it is not installed then I 
check -using apt availability list- againsg the latest version. 
If the package does not exist or something went wrong with other 
methods, I fallback to checking /etc/debian_version (though that 
should not happen often).

That's about it, I will have uploaded the package later this day at


Feel free to comment.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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