

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ XFree86 :0 -nolisten tcp -dpi 100 & sleep 2 && 
> DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-session
> [1] 3221
> Fatal server error:
> Cannot move old logfile "/var/log/XFree86.0.log.old"
> When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
> the full server output, not just the last messages.
> Please report problems to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [1]+  Exit 1                  XFree86 :0 -nolisten tcp -dpi 100
> (gnome-session:3227): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:

I googled some more and did `chmod ug+s /usr/bin/X11/XFree86`:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ll /usr/bin/X11/XFree86
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root root 1745388 2004-07-07 17:07 /usr/bin/X11/XFree86

Now, the `XFree86 ... gnome-session` starts X and puts me on the
spotted gray background with the usual X cursor (and nothing more
happens, I have to kill the server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace), while
`startx` still doesn't work, in the same way it didn't before the
chmod (that is - shows the background for a second or two and drops
me back to the commandline).

For reference, on my laptop everything works
fine *without* XFree86 runing suid root:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ll /usr/bin/X11/XFree86
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1745388 2004-07-07 17:07 /usr/bin/X11/XFree86

-- Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
.--- http://shot.pl/ --- http://shot.pl/hovercraft/ --- -- -
| If I had wanted your website to make noise I would
| have licked my finger and rubbed it across the monitor.
| -- istartedi, /.
`----- ---- --- -- -

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