
Michel Dänzer:

> On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 14:00 +0200, Shot wrote:
> > 
> > Ok, I checked some more things and the current situation is this:
> > 
> > `startx` issued form the root's console puts me in root's GNOME
> > `sudo startx` with suided XFree86 puts me in root's GNOME
> > `sudo startx` without suided XFree86 stops at the gray screen
> > 
> > It seems it's something with the access
> > privileges, I just can't put my finger on it...
> The initial problem wasn't this but that your session exits immediately.
> You need to find out why.

You're right; all the fiddling with suid bits, setting XAUTHORITY
variable to /home/shot/.Xauthority and running sudo ended with
my user's ~/.Xauthority being root:root and having .Xauthority-c
and -l files created in /home/shot. At least I got rid of the
[drm:radeon_unlock] dmesg error by commenting out the dri module
and adding Option "DRI" "False" to my graphic card settings.
I moved my ~/.Xauthority to something else and it got recreated
as shot:shot, so at least here everything seems ok.

Today I got the (er, obvious...) idea of trying to run X/GNOME
as another regular user (marta), and so far I know this:

root's `startx` and `XFree86 :0 -nolisten tcp -dpi 100 & sleep 2 &&
DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-session` put him in a working GNOME.

marta's `startx` puts her in GNOME, and she could `XFree86...` *once* to
get to GNOME, but subsequent tries end with the "Cannot move old logfile
"/var/log/XFree86.0.log.old"" fatal error. This account never ran X
before today.

shot's `startx` ends up in that "immediate session exit", while
`XFree86...` gives the same "Cannot move old logfile" error.

-- Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
.--- http://shot.pl/ --- http://shot.pl/hovercraft/ --- -- -
| The above comment may be extremely inflamatory.
| For your protection, it has been rot13'd twice.
| -- JWhitlock, /.
`----- ---- --- -- -

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