On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 03:14:07PM +0200, Guido Guenther wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2004 at 05:44:32AM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > > which looks sane to me. Here's the (maybe) interesting part: When I
> > > press <ALT>, I see:
> > >  
> > > Input keysym 0xFFE7, 0:'' 7bit
> > > Handle 7bit-key
> > 
> > Is that <ALT> the same as one of your Meta_L or Alt_R keys?
> I mean the key labeled "alt" on the keyboard. On my Mac Keyboard:
> keycode 64, keysym 0xffe7. It has the modifier ALT_L assigned by default
> and I change that via:
> keysym Alt_L = Meta_L Alt_L
> which works according to xev.

ok - that (difference in PC versus other keyboards) was one of the comments
that google found which illustrates the alt/meta issue.
> > xev could identify that.  What your trace seems to indicate to me
> > is that the mod1 for Meta_L isn't having a real effect, so the literal
> > key is sent to xterm.  That should show up in xev's trace (though xev
> > doesn't show the modifier information, it should show a "Alt_L" or 
> > "Meta_L").
> When I do:
> xmodmap -e 'keycode 64 = Alt_L' (removing the Meta_L) *it works* again.
> So it seems it's actually not "Meta sends escape" anymore but rather
> "Alt sends escape".

ok.  I don't see anyplace in xterm that I could improve on here
(since it sees only one of the alt/meta definitions).  There is
some provision for keys having more than one name and modifier
(which may have issues to resolve).

Does gnome-terminal still work if you remove the definition for Meta_L?

> This is a change in behaviour which we should at least document somewhere
> in the debian package before closing the bug.
> I'm still having some problems with my <apple-key>-click = "middle
> click" emulation, which completely confuses xterm at the moment (and
> which showed up at the same time than the above problem), but I'll have
> to dig deeper into this before reporting this as a bug.
> Thanks _very_ much for your help,

no problem (though it doesn't seem that it's solved yet)

Thomas E. Dickey

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