[I have stable installed]
I noticed some little issues concernig update-alternatives

1) I think that the display mangaer should be choosen using
update-alternatives --confi x-display-manager
(btw: how is it made now?)

2) I have gnome installed, but in 
update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
gnome it is not displayed

So i think that the update-alternatives method is not fully supported.

I think that 
* update-alternatives is a good facility
* there should be a unified method for chosing window/desktop manager
or whatever, since it gives the users some chances to do things
without much pain, and make easy to document and learn how things

So, is update-alternatives the standard method? If not which is the
standard method?

If it is not too difficult i would like to working on this issue. (I
know a little perl an bash scripting, and good C. Do i need to
installa unstable?)



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