----- Original Message -----
Alors fais un clic-droit/configuration sur l'icone Konsole de Kicker,
que le konsole.desktop utilisé est bien celui de

Vérifies également que la commande spécifiée dans l'onglet "Exécution" est
bien "konsole %i %m".

Tom explique sur MandrakeForum l'origine du bug :

tom: The problem is a script called '/usr/bin/konsole-noxft':

rpm -qf $(which konsole-noxft)

As you can see, this script belongs to the KDE 2.2 package. It contains this

exec konsole --noxft

'konsole -noxft' starts the KDE terminal Konsole without using font
anti-aliasing (Xft) which serves to prevent font rendering problems.
You can run '/usr/bin/konsole-noxft' just fine from a console, but there
seems to be some convoluted path problem when calling this script from an
icon in KDE3, since the KDE3 installation is located in '/opt/kde3'.
Upshot: Fire up the Menu Editor and change the command line entry for
Konsole from 'konsole-noxft' to 'konsole --noxft'.

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