I have tried my best to help with this issue, research, testing, etc.
During a normal business day, declude is awesome - working very nicely as
advertised and very reliable.  Perhaps, on an email server with less
traffic, some declude customers wouldn't even know of any reliability
issues.  I think I have narrowed down the issue with our declude operation.

During a normal time period, we do pass a ton of emails, but during the
moments when the flood gates open and spam flows in, this causes many
declude.exe's to run.  Some use 99% of the CPU, while others simply use up
memory.  In my opinion, an opinion from a non-programmer, I would think that
there should only be one declude.exe running (as a service perhaps).  In the
event that declude can't handle a "High Surge of Spam", then declude should
pass the junk mail on to imail for normal processing.

With Imail limiting smtp32.exe to just 30 instances (configurable by the
registry), this would not cause a problem with the desktop heap.  You could
even trim down the smtp32.exe count to 10.  Then, when the flood gates open,
the mail will just be a little slow, but reliable.

I think this would make a more reliable server.  Again, I am only TRYING to
help and give ideas.  My intent is not to step on anyones toes.  I will keep
looking at the list to see when they have this problem fixed, but we can't
continue to provide poor uptime on our mail server.

I do want to add one final note, my hats off to Scott for a great product
design and truely remarkable tech support.  I honestly don't know when he
sleeps.  Outstanding work ethics Scott!!!

Travis Sullivan


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