OK, well that makes sense. I'm using v1.53. I was going by the test
definitions in the $default$.junkmail file supplied with that version.
That solves that issue.

As far as the alias per/user definitions here is what I found:

My offical hostname in Imail is mail.mydomain.com so my Declude
configuration is c:\imail\declude\mail.mydomain.com. In that folder are
3 per user configurations user1.junkmail user2.junkmail and
user3.junkmail. If I send an individual message to any of those 3 users
explicitly the rules work great. If I send to the alias that points to
all 3, it does not work. So.....I turned on debug mode and sent a test
message. In the debug it said it found the domain name for all 3 users
as mydomain.com and was therefor using the c:\imail\$default$.junkmail

So, for kicks I created a second folder called
c:\imail\declude\mydomain.com and stuck a second copy of the user1 user2
and user3 files in that folder and now it works. 

So....in this mode, I would need to keep 2 copies of the configurations,
one for when email is coming directly to the user and one for when mail
is sent to an alias that includes those users.

Does any of that make any sense?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of R. Scott Perry
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 10:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Actions

>(Actual User Rules)When I configured my test users for the action of 
>SUBJECT [Spam Test] it works fine. The appropriate emails are delivered

>with the subject noted appropriately. When I change from SUBJECT [Spam 
>Test] to FOLDER spam. Nothing seems to happen and the messages are 
>delivered to the normal inbox...

Are you using v1.54?  The FOLDER action will only work in v1.54.

If you send an E-mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", does the E-mail
delivered to the "folder" folder (instead of the inbox)?

>(Alias Rules) It seems no matter what action I define in a per user 
>rule for an alias, none of them affect the email and it is delivered to

>the users specified in the alias as normal. I have tried, SUBJECT, 
>FOLDER and HOLD. All of the email bypasses the actions and is 
>delivered. The headers however show the appropriate failed tests.

That is to be expected.  When you have an alias, Declude JunkMail's 
per-user settings are based on the actual address (the address the
goes to), not the intended address (the alias).  There is a way to
this ("SWITCHRECIPS ON"), but that will change everything in Declude to
the alias, which make have unwanted side-effects.

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