>Here's the the part of the log file that shows it using
>I'll send the entire log file to your address if you would like.

That's OK -- there should be enough information in here.

IMail is reporting the alias as "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", and Declude 
JunkMail isn't finding a file 
e:\IMail\Declude\astnetworks.com\$default$.JunkMail.  That's why it is 
using the e:\Imail\Declude\$default$.junkmail file.  Does the 
e:\IMail\Declude\astnetworks.com\$default$.JunkMail file exist?

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]


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unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
type "unsubscribe Declude.JunkMail".  You can E-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.  You can visit our web
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