Title: Message
Just purchased and people are loving it already!
1.  As a new user I'm a little unclear if some of the questions are related to the current production or beta release.  For example, there was a response related to using a negative weighting factor.  Would it help to suggest using a tag in the subject line saying "beta xyz" "production abc" to identify what product release is in question?
2.  The Production 1.53 junkmail file shows a ROUTETO option in the comments.  How does this work? or is this actually for the beta release?
3. The HEADER option states you must specify text.  Is the format (ex):
    WEIGHT10    HEADER   "TEST TEXT"  or
    WEIGHT10    HEADER    TEST TEST   or
am I way off base? :)
Thanks in advance.
Marv Gordon
Technical Support Manager
PrimeNet Marketing Services

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