We bought Declude based on a few things we wanted:

* Lower the time spent by IT on spam.
* An MTA gateway in our DMZ.
* Good reporting.
* Windows based solution.
* Don't throw too much money at the solution.
* RBL ability
* text matching ability
* Lean on dynamic databases on the Internet.
* Override dynamic databases to our own wishes.
* Restrict information leaking back to the spammers
  via "unsubscribe" and web bugs.

We didn't get everything on our wish list, and we bought IMail merely
because it was a requirement for Declude!

A "serve yourself" web page might be useful, but since we don't host the
mailboxes on IMail, the utility of this is likely limited.  And on the
gripping hand, since we are an internal IT group, we're expected to do the
maintenance and we have the staffing level to do that for our user base
(exactly the opposite of an ISP).

One problem I see (Sandy and others, please jump in) is that whitelisting is
easy to mess up, and a crack that the "law of unintended consequences" will
exploit.  Two examples: the example in Scott's manual that says whitelisting
mail.com is probably a bad idea, and whitelisting
postmaster@[yourdomainhere.tld] gives a free ride to any spam that sends to
postmaster while cc'ing everybody else at your domain.

Andrew Colbeck
Technical Specialist
IT Department
(604) 661-5047
[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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