Ok,  I  am  now  both  black-listing  and white-listing using a single
filter  file  in  Declude. For example if a source is blacklisted this
can take the form of the following methods or commands examples:

MAILFROM 60 ENDSWITH greatdeal.net
HEADERS 60 CONTAINS somebaby.com
BODY 60 CONTAINS basherman

The weights are so high each mail gets deleted. Now I white-list using

REVDNS -100 ENDSWITH sportico.com
HEADERS -100 CONTAINS Yahoo! Alerts
SUBJECT -100 CONTAINS ActivatorMail Sign-up

To manage the above I have a WEIGHT 35 that DELETES 'black-listed'

Now  that  I  know  I  can  edit  just  one  simple file, I am wishing
SpamReview could do this for me. I am not sure just how to pursue this
but  for mailfrom info could be used initially. This means there would
be four buttons, for example:

Que and White-list Domain  = adds  MAILFROM -100 ENDSWITH @domain.com
Que and White-list Sender  = adds  MAILFROM -100 ENDSWITH [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delete and Black-List Domain  = adds  MAILFROM 100 ENDSWITH @domain.com
Delete and Black-List Sender  = adds  MAILFROM 100 ENDSWITH [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maybe  Scott  can  recommend  how to do this to be most efficient with
Declude testing of emails. Maybe a pull down menu would be good rather
than  buttons,  then  many  more parameters could exist in addition to
above four examples above?  For example another method would be:

Delete Black-list REVDNS Domain = adds REVDNS 100 ENDSWITH domain.com
Delete White-list REBDNS Domain = adds REVDNS -100 ENDSWITH domain.com

I  would  find  all  this  quite useful and I am wondering what others
might  think.  SpamReview could be pointed at a single filter.txt file
to edit then edit it...

Roger Heath

ActivatorMail(tm) ver.122102 Scanned for all viruses by 
www.activatormail.com intelligent anti-virus anti-spam service

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