> ...we  as a group do care about how the data we provide our users is
> used.  The best we can do is to make it as accurate as possible, and
> be available to help those who need a professional opinion.

Your company makes spyware--no offense intended, and I agree with your
stance  that  you  guys  are not responsible for the uses made of your
tool  and  see  Cybersitter's  reasonable application in some home and
business environments.

Declude,  by  design, is the opposite of spyware, as it is intended to
protect   end   users   from   UNsolicited,   UNwanted  Internet-based
communication, and in turn from the consequences of such communication
being presumed as solicited. Declude-tagged data, *as* suspected spam,
CANNOT be used to implicate an end user. It's not an ethics issue; you
just  can't  do it. It's insane, backward, punishably ignorant to even
contemplate  it.  It's like...using a history of porn surfing as proof
that someone isn't into porn!

> I  am  willing  to  bet  that the employee in question was not fired
> solely based on information provided by an anti-spam program...It is
> quite possible he just needed the evidence.

Porn messages held as suspected spam are not evidence of a porn habit,
even  in  relative  quantity.  Really,  now:  if they really need more
evidence, track the *outgoing* mail in combination with their existing
web monitoring (though this would be unlikely to trap much), and track
often  non-suspect  "plain  brown  wrapper" e-mail receipts for credit
card  transactions.  How  could  web  monitoring  over a month or more
*possibly* be insufficient evidence, anyway?


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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