> I had a program that checked a time server every day to keep the time
> accurate. On more than one occasion I saw the date get changed to the
> year 2020 and the year 4040. I don't use time server programs any more.

WXP has a SNTP client built in.  Use:

net time /setsntp:tick.ucla.edu
net stop w32time
net start w32time

and you're in business.

WNT and W2K can both use the (totally different) w32time.exe and w32time.ini
from the NT Server Resource Kit.

For dollars, my favourite is the inexpensive shareware Tardis2000 from HC
Mingham-Smith at:


Run a NTP server internally against an internet source, and then provide it
to your servers and clients, either with a time service, or by putting a

net time \\server /set /yes

line in your login scripts.  You can also use "net time" in your login
scripts to obtain the time from the NT Domain.  DHCP also allows you to
publish a time server, but Windows DHCP clients ignore that feature.

And of course, tick.ucla.edu is not the only time source on the Internet.
There's probably a source that is "near" you that is a public source.  Use
more than one.  Here's one page that is a useful list:


Andrew 8)

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