We've recently been having a lot of Bugbear virus emails hitting our virus 
scanner.  We've done a lot of scanning for the virus on our workstations and 
servers and so far we're clean (except for the ones that Declude pick up).

This morning, while going through the email holds, I noticed an email with an 
attachment that was 99K... the typical size of infected Bugbear virus emails.  
So luckily we didn't send it through...

According to the docs (and my boss), the virus scanner should be picking up any 
messages before it gets detected as spam.  However, this time it looks like it 
didn't happen.  Is there any known reason for this?  Or are the docs wrong?  
Does a message get detected as spam first and then is checked for virii?

Has anyone else had this happen to them before?

Any assistance is appreciated.

James Alan Young
Assistant Network Administrator
D. Armstrong Moving & Storage

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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