
Have you thought about using Declude Console as a short term dns cache
for Declude?  I think the results Kami is seeing is because Ipswitch
included a DNS cache in the new Queue Manager, and their ip4r test may
be using it instead of the DNS.  Declude could definitely benefit from
it since spammers usually send in bursts and from the same server, so
all messages from that host will have the same results.  Right now
Declude requeries the DNS for each separate message, even if they are
received simultaneously, am I correct? Just a thought.  

Kami, are you running the DNS cache in Imail 8? Could you test the
performance difference without it?  I know I saw a post on the Imail
list about someone having to disable it to get rid of certain problems
they were having, so if the cache is the boost, they won't benefit.

Chuck Frolick
ArgoNet, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kami Razvan
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:24 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] observation to share...


Thank you for your response.  Since we started doing this (almost a
week) I
have noticed several "real-life" behavior from our server.

What we used to see:

- When a list was hitting our server I was seeing many Declude.exe
at the same time - one after another taking 100% of CPU and
As stated a while back, in one case, the server was almost down for 2-3
hours.  By down I mean it could not do anything else but process what
being sent to it.  We could not check email, outlook was timing out, and
messaging would return error.  Once the processing ended the server was
to normal.  Of course part of the problem is the way we do things (isn't
always?).  We have a lot of filter files and were checking a lot of ip4r

Actions we took:

- we commented a lot of ip4r tests in Declude and that helped a lot with
times when a lot of email was hitting the server at the same time
but still we were getting time outs in Outlook and web messaging was
slow when the emails were arriving.  In essence we stopped using so much
the ip4r tests and only used about 8 or so, rather than all that was
in the Declude site.

- with IMail 8 I thought of moving all the ip4r tests to IMail so I can
a few things.  Now the results are interesting.  We no longer have that
problem.  The Outlook does not time out and looking at the Declude
they appear and disappear fast and even if they hit 100% CPU it is for a
very short time.  We have not changed our filter files and actually have
added two more.  So the processing for Declude has not changed at all
but it
is not doing any ip4r tests.

We now simply do all the ip4r tests in IMail, add the header and have a
X-Header filter file.  After reviewing the log files we will eventually
rid of some of the ip4r tests that we find are not effective but for now
are looking at majority of what you have listed in the Declude site.
header weights ranges from 1 - 8.

Myth?  Fact?  Or just my imagination...

May be our mail ends up in our backup mail server while IMail is busy
checking ip4r's and since all email is not arriving at the same time
can manage it without assuming control of the server for a long time.
So in
essence we are managing delivery of email in a pipeline .. Of course the
users may not mind waiting a minute before the mail arrives but they get
frustrated when their mail client times out.

Our problem is solved for now.

- IMail do ip4r tests
- Declude do the filters

This was just a report from the field... 


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