
I've been trying out a custom gibberish filter made up of two character strings that are extremely uncommon in order to find a way to detect the spam that comes through with a linked image and a smattering of text. So far it's doing a great job of detecting this stuff, however it does have a high degree of false positives and I was wondering if there was a way around this, or maybe give you yet another request for another test to be added at some point.

The problem is that places like and Pitney Bowes include random text in their links, and that gets picked up ( also displays it, but that's understandable). Then even more of an issue is the fact that it is picking up attachments all over the place.

Could you let me know what it is exactly a BODY filter will search, and if this searching happens after BASE64 decoding? Does it search every character that appears below the header, including things like the message boundaries and attachments?

Is there any way to have a filter that just searches displayable text in a message, or perhaps another direction for detecting this random gibberish?



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