Thanks Scott, that explains pretty much everything.

I'm sure you are well aware of the problem with gibberish in spam, especially if you are moving towards Bayes filtering with Declude. Is it possible to come up with a filter like say BODYTEXT that processes just decoded text and ignores anything in HTML tags and attachments?


Markus, and a question for you about SpamChk...can your app be limited to just the decoded non-HTML text or does it only do it all ways? It would appear that this would be a reasonable alternative if so.



R. Scott Perry wrote:

Regarding the gibberish detection and decoding...I am running the most recent version and have not disabled decoding, however the following test message gets a hit on [BODY 0 CONTAINS qi] even though that string only appears in the link:

Ah, I was mistaken. What happens is Declude JunkMail checks against *both* the original contents and the decoded contents.

I also found that the the Base64 encoded words that appear in a subject aren't getting found by my filters either.

That is correct. Declude JunkMail does not attempt to decode subjects (which use a different encoding system than attachments).


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