Title: Message
Hi there,
I have a customer who was having trouble with his messages sent to users on servers that use spam filters not being delivered.  I had him send a message to me so I could see what tests it fails.  As some of you may have already guessed, he's got a new pc with Outlook 2003 and the messages fail the spam headers test.  I informed him that among mail server and/or spamfilter administrators this is a known issue.  So, he calls MS.  MS says it's OEM software, call the vendor.  Dell says I'm full of it. 
Would someone with more thorough and better understanding than mine please send me something (with permission to quote or I'd just lift from archives) that I can send to this customer?  I'm looking for what it is that Outlook 2003 does wrong and what RFC it is not conforming to.  He wants to then show it to Dell and request an exchange for Office 2002. 
I would much appreciate it.  I'm sorry to make this issue that isn't really mine yours too.  But, it might just be handy to have this kind of information on hand anyway as more people start using this product.
(Who will try to stop gritting her teeth now.)

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