>       First off I would like to say thanks to you and thanks to the
> others on this list and the Imail list that put effort and time in to
> helping people.  If you don't mind me asking I am assuming that you do
> consulting for companies that run Imail at high volumes.  Do you have
> any example setups of a typical Gateway (Imail/Declude) that sees high
> volume?

Typical is a very obscure word. You can some what describe typical ISP or
typical educational, but other than that, each configuration can be
different based on the end users. Example, I operate/consult on 5
Imail/Declude servers. Each one is different. 2 are a major regional ISPs,
another is a corporate server for a financial company, another is a coporate
server for a real estate company, and one is a small ISP which includes a
client that deals in electronic parts, hence gets a lot of e-mail from the
far east. 

The one server that I consult on that is high volume is not a gateway, but
the actual mail box server. I can not directly share their configuration,
but if you read the archives on this list, you will see a lot of work that
has gone into optimizing filters.

Hopefully soon, I will have a site up and running for members to share
filters and such.

John Tolmachoff
eServices For You

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