Reply to: Matt
      Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Test for e-mail size? on Friday 2:15:52 PM

I  would  also like to see a size test. Imail is too hard to manage in
this  respect.  I  also  like the idea of a SKIPIFWEIGHT function that
could be universal or in the $default$.junkmail per domain.

We  are  currently  testing a web based remote blacklist and whitelist
manager for Declude. This was developed by us in mySQL and PHP so that
remote administrators can manage their Declude blacklist and whitelist
e-mail  address  list files for their domain. It has remote management
for  the  server's  manager  so  he  or  she  can automatically create
accounts   and   passwords  for  this  independent  of  Imail  and  it
automatically  e-mails a password to the domain's manager(s). We might
extend   this   to   other   editing   features   of   that   domain's
$default$.junkmail  file if more features can be put into this area by
Scott  for  Declude  Pro that are domain specific. So we'd like to see
features   not   necessarily   put   into  the  global  file  but  the
$default$.junkmail files instead for this future flexibility...

Maybe  I  will market this Declude Pro remote domain management system
at a later date for all to use.

Roger Heath

----- Copy of Original Message(s): -----

M> Big thumbs up on this one.  No need to process even the beginning of an
M> E-mail containing a 1 MB attachment in JunkMail.  You mentioned 
M> introducing a low weighted version of SKIPIFWEIGHT, and this would work
M> nicely with that to defeat custom filters.

M> BTW, have you given any thought to putting the SKIPIFWEIGHT settings in
M> the Global.cfg file?  This would save the loading times on the custom
M> filters in the majority of instances when used, and it would be easier
M> to maintain by just adding two new columns to the filter definitions
M> (including external tests), i.e.

M> ----- Current Format -----
M> SNIFFER-GENERAL    external    063    
M> "C:\IMail\Declude\Sniffer\programname.exe mycode"    6    0
M> GIBBERISH          filter     
M> C:\IMail\Declude\Filters\Gibberish.txt    
M> x    0    0

M> ----- Potential New Format -----
M> SNIFFER-GENERAL    external    063    
M> "C:\IMail\Declude\Sniffer\programname.exe mycode"    6    0    25     -10
M> GIBBERISH          filter     
M> C:\IMail\Declude\Filters\Gibberish.txt    
M> x    0    0    25    -10

M> Matt

M> R. Scott Perry wrote:

>>> Is there anything that can test for e-mail size?
>> No, but that sounds like it may make for a good test.  :)
>>                                                    -Scott
>> ---
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