
I've definitely been reading up on the other list and all looks great so far. I can't leave my server logged into, so I'm going to sit back for a little bit longer until you get the service stub thing going (recommendations, et. al)

It also appears that defeating Sniffer with a weight qualifier may be of almost no consequence at this point, so I'm giving up on that project. I had run into a roadblock where I couldn't get the code from Sniffer using VBScript and the directions that we found said it would work the way we did it. The funny thing is that we could get other information about the process...just not the code. Anyway, I learned a few new tricks.

Thanks again,


Pete McNeil wrote:

At 05:18 PM 3/18/2004, you wrote:

Regarding your suggestion about a RAMDISK, Pete is actually working on a persistent instance of Sniffer with all sorts of fancy words to describe how it works :) My


I'm pretty happy with the beta - so far no glitches or gotchas on my test server nor any reported from the list. If you've not yet tried it you might give it a shot. The production version is not likely to change except for cleaning out some debug/monitoring code and adding a few tuning / management features. The last thing we'll need to do is chose an MS Service stub utility to recommend, but in the mean time it's been working ok on my box as a .cmd nailed up and hidden behind a password protected screen saver setting.

Just a thought.


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