>> Then, in either cases, scanning the first hop is a simple matter of
changing the test name to eliminate the reserved string of DUL, DYNA or DUHL
and using the hack which Matt found. <<

NO - removing DUL/DYNA/DUHL is NOT an option.  Because MUCH of the private
emails originate from some address that is on that list - but only on the
FIRST hope. Thus, the DUL/DYNA/DUHL skip tests on the FIRST hop!  

They can't be omitted - otherwise we'd block most private mail relayed
through other providers SMTP servers.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Brown
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 04:19 PM
To: Matt
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] DUL skipping was ISBLANK is blank

This wasn't a bug or a larger issue of Declude trust based upon the 'from
Address.' There was no choice but to skip DUL/DYNA/DUHL tests (which were
the only ones skipped) when the 'from address' was spoofed as a local
address. Imail 8 and WHITELIST AUTH help, but they don't solve this issue,

Imail 8 can still be configured where the Client is NOT required to Auth in
order to send. One example of that is 'Relay for Addresses.'

So, if we have IPs on a DUL/DYNA/DUHL list, are using anything but 'No Mail
Relay' in Imail 8 and we run a DYNA/DUL/DUHL test on the first hop, we will
definitely tag our own customers.

So, the way I see it, running DYNA/DUL/DUHL tests on the first hop of ALL
mail, is only safe for those folks who: (1) are sure that none of their IP
addresses are on any DYNA/DUL/DUHL list (and will never be on
one) -OR- (2) run Imail 8, have it configured for 'No Mail Relay' and have
WHITELIST AUTH specified in the Declude's Global.cfg. Then, in either cases,
scanning the first hop is a simple matter of changing the test name to
eliminate the reserved string of DUL, DYNA or DUHL and using the hack which
Matt found. For instance:

Change this:
  NJABL-DUL  ip4r  dnsbl.njabl.org  10  0

To this:
  NJABL-HOP1  dnsbl %IP4R%.dnsbl.njabl.org  10  0

I don't think a switch in Declude is really needed.


Saturday, May 15, 2004, 10:01:11 AM, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
M> Andy,

M> It's only been a matter of months since a realistic work around 
M> wasavailable for most users (using WHITELIST AUTH).  To the best of 
M> myknowledge, I'm the only one of us that has said anything about it 
M> onthis list (first time in March, but of course I could be wrong). 
M> LikeI indicated though, there is a way to fix the problem using the 
M> dnsbltrick, and it works immediately.  I would however like to see a 
M> switchgiven also, but this seems more like a convenience if you 
M> useDUL/DYNA/DUHL the way that they were meant to be used in the 
M> firstplace (which I was not), but still, it only means some extra 
M> lookups.

M> Matt

M> Andy Schmidt wrote:

M>       Thanks - ouch.
M>   I'd say that's a bug in design.
M>   Since AUTH is supported in Imail 8 and sinceothers may not allow 
M> local users to send through their Imail server (myoutbound is going 
M> through IIS SMTP with SMTP AUTH), there should be ATLEAST a config 
M> option to turn this "spam me by faking sender" featureoff!
M>   Best Regards
M>   Andy Schmidt
M>   Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20(Business)
M> Fax:    +1 201 934-9206

M> -----Original Message-----
M> From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Declude.JunkMail-owner
M> @declude.com]
M> On Behalf Of Matt
M>   Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 01:49 AM
M>   Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] DUL skipping was ISBLANK isblank
M> In absentia...
M> http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg17162.htm
M> l
M> This made a lot of sense before, and it was the only way to disable 
M> DULtests for local users prior to IMail 8 and JunkMail ~1.76.  
M> Decludewon't disable the tests for gatewayed domains, only where an 
M> addressmatches a local account.  You can also work around this by 
M> using thednsbl trick like so:
M> DNSRBL-DYN        dnsbl    %IP4R%.dun.dnsrbl.net     
M> 0    0 NJABL-DYN-A        dnsbl    %IP4R%.dnsbl.njabl.org           
M>    0    0 NJABL-DYN-B        dnsbl    
M> %IP4R%.dynablock.njabl.org    0    0 SORBS-DYN        
M> dnsbl    %IP4R%.dnsbl.sorbs.net     0    0
M> Note that I changed the names of the tests to exclude the 
M> stringsDUL/DYNA/DUHL.  This took me a long time to figure out, so the 
M> trickisn't that common, however I started using these strings to 
M> limit somenon-DUL tests to just the last hop with higher scoring, and 
M> did impactmy ability to block spam on local accounts, however it took 
M> me quite awhile to notice that it was going on (several months).
M> Matt
M> Andy Schmidt wrote:

M>   Scott (in case you're not gone yet):
M>   >> At this moment, Declude will not apply scoresfrom any dnsbl, 
M> ip4r or rhsbl tests if they have either DUL, DYNA orDUHL in the name 
M> AND the Mail From matches a local user. <<
M>   Does Declude REALLY trust the mail from andwill bypass 
M> DUL/DYNA/DUHL test just by someone forging the mail from?
M>   Never heard about that "bug"/behavior before?
M>   Best Regards
M>   Andy Schmidt
M>   Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20(Business)
M> Fax:    +1 201 934-9206

M>   --
M> =====================================================
M> MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail


Don Brown - Dallas, Texas USA     Internet Concepts, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.inetconcepts.net
(972) 788-2364                    Fax: (972) 788-5049

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