Title: Message


IMail now uses the Open SSL library.
IMail now uses the Open LDAP server.
The IMAP server now supports IMAP ACLs (RFC 2086). This enables IMail support for the Bynari Insight Connector.
IMail Anti-spam will search for phrases in the subject.
IMail Anti-spam now has the option to modify the subject for messages identified as spam.


o Fixed possible ERR 005 thread crash in Queue Manager when decoding
  message headers longer then 512 bytes.
o Fixed crash in SMTPD32 when receiving a text record from black list
  which contained invalid text record.
o Antispam: Whitelist now handles domains preceded with '@'.
o IAdmin: Will wait for a service to start before updating the
  text on the start button.
o IMAP4D32: Added support for UIDPLUS (RFC 2359).
o IMAP4D32: Will now correctly return the first UNSEEN message
  instead of always returning 1 when selecting or examining a mailbox.
o IMAP4D32: Now properly reports results for LIST command.
o LDAP: Fixed case sensitivity defect when searching registry for
  virtual domains.
o LDAP: Improvements made to startup time.
o SMTPD32 will now log verify requests when Verbose logging is enabled.
o SMTPD32: Removed crash when resolving address in the HOSTS file
  and the address string contained a tab character.
o SMTPD32: Fixed possible memory leak when system very busy.
o Web Messaging: Fixed defect causing "Server Process was interrupted"
  error when adding or modifying hosts and users.
o Web Messaging: Removed possible buffer overflow when editing large
  rule files.
o Web Messaging: Mailbox dropdown now allows user to change the
  first mailbox listed.
o Web Messaging: Replied and forwarded message status icons are now
  properly displayed.
o Web Messaging: Corrected "Server process was interrupted" error
  when adding new hosts.

o The function of the 'Hide from Information Services' feature has
  changed. There is currently no way to hide information within an
  OpenLDAP database. When this option is applied, LDAP information
  for the user is deleted from the LDAP database and must be
  re-added should you wish to show LDAP information for this user

o The X-IMail-Rule header can be disabled by adding the
  following registry key:


Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206



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