I just can't throw anything away :)

In a message dated 5/1/2004 from Roger Eriksson

SURBL has changed the name of the rbldns zone file by adding a "d" at 
the end, so the download URL is now 
http://www.surbl.org/sc.surbl.org.rbldnsd. The old name can still be 
used, but that may change in the future. Furthermore, they have 
changed the testpoint entry "example.com" to 


Frederick P. Squib, Jr.
Network Operations/Mail Administrator
Citizens Telephone Company of Kecksburg

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 
/\                        - against microsoft attachments

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darrell LaRock
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] SURBL issue

OK, after some digging I found this

--09:46:15--  http://www.surbl.org/sc.surbl.org.rbldns
           => `surbl.rbldns.tmp'
Resolving www.surbl.org... done.
Connecting to www.surbl.org[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
09:46:15 ERROR 404: Not Found.

After checking the SURBL site I found this under the news section *.rbldns -
going away when no traffic, use *.rbldnsd instead

In the script find the line 
set v_url=http://www.surbl.org/sc.surbl.org.rbldns

and change it to 
set v_url=http://www.surbl.org/sc.surbl.org.rbldnsd

It now works again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell LaRock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] SURBL issue


What version of the script are you using?  I just checked mine and it is
giving me the same thing on both of my servers.  I have surbl_filter.cmd
version 1.1

Tue 09/07/2004  1:23a Update successful [976 entries]
Tue 09/07/2004  1:53a Update failed [conversion error]


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scott Fisher
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] SURBL issue

It's working ok here just tried 2 minutes ago:
Tue 09/07/2004  4:41p Update successful [983 entries]

If it was a one time only thing, maybe you caught a bad download or there
was something bad in the zone.

A conversion error implies something wrong here:
rem --- Convert line breaks from LF to CRLF (or exit if conversion failed):
if exist todos.exe todos surbl.rbldns.tmp
for /f "tokens=*" %%c in ('findstr /r "$" surbl.rbldns.tmp') do set
v_result=ok if not "%v_result%"=="ok" (set v_result=conversion error) &
(goto :s_end)

Scott Fisher
Director of IT
Farm Progress Companies

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/07/04 04:35PM >>>
My surbl setup has been running fine up till 1:00 am this morning
my setup is:
SURBL   filter   d:\IMail\Declude\surbl\surbl.txt  x  20 0
In the log file I now get:
Tue 09/07/2004  5:15p Update failed [conversion error]
Nothing has changed in my setup and the log file has successful entries for
a very long time until now
Anyone have any ideas?
thank you

Harry Vanderzand 
inTown Internet & Computer Services 
11 Belmont Ave. W.
Kitchener, ON
N2M 1L2
Did you know we offer: 
- Province wide dial-up and high speed internet access 
- Web accessible email with anti-spam\antivirus protection
- Computer hardware sales and service
- Experienced website developers 

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