I don't know if your filters have a SKIPIFWEIGHT line. You can add a SKIPIFWEIGHT that 
will bypass the filters that enter that filter with a high spam weight. This should 
get you to bypass lots of e-mail. This probably causes me to skip 75-80% of the most 
obvious spam.

I also have a TESTSFAILED END line for items that are psuedo-whitelisted from 
friendlier sites. This probably forces the body filters to be skipped on about 7-8% of 
the mostly non-spam messages.

This leaves the battleground of about 10 to 15% of the messages that need to have body 
filters applied.

I also put my body filters last in the global.cfg. So the quicker 
HELO/MAILFROM/SUBJECT/COUNTRY filters are run first.

Scott Fisher
Director of IT
Farm Progress Companies

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/08/04 04:16PM >>>
thank you Matt,
I am running 179i16 so I may have another issue at hand here
I have 42k myfilter file with every entry set to anywhere which essentially
does a similar thing that surbl is doing.  I mine the web info from them
manually everyday.
I do it on my own account as my account attracts a tremendous amount of spam
I guess because it has been around for 10 years.  Whatever gets through to
it after declude has been going into my filter file
I have surbl running with its 35k file
I have today eliminated my filter file and will likely eliminate surbl once
I get the full version of sniffer going.  So far I see no more going through
as it is likely that surbl has been better at that process than me.  
I am starting to realize that these body filters are expensive in cpu cycles
I will share what I learn from all this
I appreciate your assistance.  

Harry Vanderzand 
inTown Internet & Computer Services 
11 Belmont Ave. W.
Kitchener, ON
N2M 1L2
Did you know we offer: 
- Province wide dial-up and high speed internet access 
- Web accessible email with anti-spam\antivirus protection
- Computer hardware sales and service
- Experienced website developers 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Test needed along with sniffer


Sniffer is a great addition to any Declude setup, however your issues are
not due to just simply the size of your processors.  We run a dual 1 GHz
PIII system with RAID 5 and 5x10K Cheetahs, and we've managed to exceed
90,000 messages a day with dual virus scanners, and we could handle a bit
more still.  My thought is that you are either running a ton of BODY
filters, a very slow virus scanner/scanners, or you are experiencing some
form of I/O limitation.  The idle processes also suggest that maybe there is
an issue and an upgrade to a more recent version of Declude such as 1.79 or
an interim release thereafter would be a good idea and most around here run

You should be able to minimally do 10 times your current volume, so keep
looking and keep describing your environment and a solution will likely come


Harry Vanderzand wrote:

I am getting service timeouts due mostly to all the declude instances of

traffic volume

I handle about 20000 messages a day, most of them during business hours

I find that I accumulate declude processes that have consumed up to a minute

of cpu time only to be idle and just sit there

This also causes accumulated memory to be consumed

I have been rebooting this server about twice a week

I have also been spending time everyday adding to my filter files 

The server is a dual Xeon 2.4Ghz, 533 frontside bus with an Intel SATA raid

card running Raid 10

It has about 100 small web site that do not get much traffic

My goal is to reduce management time of the machine and to stabilize it so

the need to reboot it is lessened

I am prepared to put in a dual Xeon 3.4GH, etc but also want to make sure

that I do not overkill

Harry Vanderzand 

inTown Internet & Computer Services 

11 Belmont Ave. W.

Kitchener, ON

N2M 1L2


Did you know we offer: 

- Province wide dial-up and high speed internet access 

- Web accessible email with anti-spam\antivirus protection

- Computer hardware sales and service

- Experienced website developers 


-----Original Message-----


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Markus Gufler

Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 11:22 AM


Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Test needed along with sniffer


I am testing sniffer right now and wonder if I need to run

all the other tests along side it.

I am trying to reduce my daily workload of analyzing the

"spamtrap" and hope that sniffer and surbl will do this.

Do I even need surbl?


Do you have so much workload on your mailserver that you need 

to downsize your spam-filter to one or two tests?

Maybe http://www2.spamchk.com/public.htm will give you some answer.



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MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.



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