
That line looks just fine. I would spend some time trying to find if there are any other duplicates lying around in both your Global.cfg and JunkMail files. Also, in your Global.cfg file, make sure that you have the following line:

   XINHEADER    X-Note: This E-mail was sent from %REVDNS% ([%REMOTEIP%]).

Or whatever it was that you had in there for this function. I'm guessing that you might have done a search and replace and messed up the variable.


marc catuogno wrote:

I foolishly was creating a test and called it REVDNS - then realized that it
was a duplicate test - I changed the name.  Now the REVDNS test doesn't

REVDNS          revdnsexists    x       x       10      0

That is the line in my global config

And this is line in an e-mail this morning:

X-Note: This E-mail was sent from  ([]).

And there hasn't been a REVDNS failure since I broke it with the duplicate

How do I get it to work again???

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