Absolutely put your spool on it's own partition and have Declude and any other related application log to that partition. Both the IMail and Declude logs cause an unbelievable amount of fragmentation, and if you put these on your system partition, you will quickly diminish your system's performance. I would also recommend writing a script that moves the log files over to a separate partition after the end of the day. This will in effect defragment the drive as well as the files that are moved. I've done this on a very busy server and I no longer have any issues with fragmentation.

Another piece of advice would be to keep the partitions as small as is practical. The outer edges of the disk's will read and write at 2 times the speed on the inside edge of the disks. When you partition space on drives, it will first be taken from the outer edges. So having extra space that you will never use will slow down your performance.


Markus Gufler wrote:

I've to set up Imail/Declude on a Dell Poweredge 1750 with Dual 3 GHz Xeon
CPUs and 4 Ethernet Ports.

2 x Intel NICs
2 x Broadcom NetXtreme Gbit NICs

Now I have two questions:

1.) Anyone has had the known Imail-NIC problems with this Ethernet ports?

2.) The system is preconfigured with Win2003 Server on 2 x 80 GB RAID 1 SCSI
drives. There are two preconfigured partitions: C: with 8 GB
D: with the resting 69 GB
As I can understand this configuration should work fine for the
Imail/Declude server. This server should be a SMTP-gateway only, no Pop3,
Imap, webmail.
So I plan to install Imail and the spool path on C:
The second partition will be used to regulary move out fragmented files
(hold-folder, virus-folder, logfiles) from the first partition and keep them
for further elaboration (requeing, logfile analisis...)

Any suggestions about the setup?


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