With Declude Pro you could create a custom filter that looked for common Spanish words and triggered a failure after hitting say 5 of these words. Be careful to include spaces after each word when doing this so that they don't hit on base64 encoded content.



BODY   1   CONTAINS   some-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   another-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   yetanother-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   andsoon-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   some-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   some-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   some-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   some-word
BODY   1   CONTAINS   some-word

A. Clausen wrote:

We have a customer who is getting significant amounts of Spanish spam
slipping through, and I was wondering if there was any particular means of
filtering this out.

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