Title: Message
Another question:  Why should we upgrade to 4.0?  You charge more for this version as it's a canned package that we don't need.  What do you mean by "since it does not appear you have upgraded to v 4"?  Are you forcing everyone to pay more for the same product in order to have support?
From others on the list, this problem exists in any of your versions.  2.06.16 runs with us with the exception noted below.  Your 3.0X version does not work with us.  Every time we've installed it; we've reverted back and from others on the list; it appears it is also the same.
It is our understanding that your provide support to those that have a SA with you.  We pay you for this.  Our SA is current and has been since 2001.
Please explain your words.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 7:19 PM
Subject: [139-0B9B7BC7-18FF] Declude not inserting headers and Marking


Our tracking and fixing of bugs is done on the latest version of Declude. This would be v 3.0.6 (since it does not appear you have upgraded to v 4). You will have to install the latest v 3 of the software and report whether you continue to experience this issue.

As for the broken headers in general, all instances we have thus far seen of this have been spam sent from broken email clients. Because of the way the emails are processed, making changes at the present time to the header handling creates a high risk of causing serious problems elsewhere in the email. We are in the process of making several changes to the software, among which we have included a complete retooling of the header handling.

David Franco-Rocha
Declude Technical / Engineering

From: "Erik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 22:12:23 -0500
Subject: Declude not inserting headers and Marking

In a discussion on your list for the thread: "Re: [Declude.JunkMail]
Damaged Image Files":

Attached is an email with the "broken" image mentioned as well as our Imail
log and Declude log of that email.

The email "passed" through Declude and did not insert any Declude headers or

Note that this email was forwarded; but it was forwarded to another
"virtual" domain on the same server; same Imail, same Declude.

Running Declude version 2.06.16 / Imail 8.22


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