> I just use the winzip command line tool every day to turn the 1 day old
> "log" file into a "zip" file by the SAME name in the SAME location.  This
> way, you can simply move anything *.zip to a different drive, while *.log
> are "current" log files.
> Here is the content of my Compress2DayOldLogs.cmd file:
> C:
> CD "C:\WINNT\system32\LogFiles\"
> FOR /R %%f in (ex*.log) do "C:\Program Files\WinZip\WZzip.exe" -m -ex
> %%~dpnf.zip %%f

OK, can some one please explain the logic of this line. This appears to be
what I need to do. My understanding is that it is only calling the winzip
command to a specific file name.

John T
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