> I still believe that a smaller public company can be fully compliant
> by  merely archiving all incoming, outgoing and internal E-mail into
> capture accounts, and archiving those capture accounts in a way that
> they can reasonably pull any data required of them as a result of an
> official action.

Your  insistence  that  the  size  (in  personnel?)  of  a company has
anything to do with their compliance burden is a fantasia.

Call  Global Relay and they will tell you that companies as small as 2
employees use their service to ensure proper oversight!

To  insist  otherwise  is  to  be  blind  to  the  capacity for abuse,
collusion,  and  fraud -- yes, alongside the capacity for imagination,
honesty  and  great  mutual  profit  -- that is inherent in any single
entity managing billions of other people's money.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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