Check your tests in the global for negative weights which bring the value
down, the negative weights are defined in the last column of your tests.
Most common are IPNOTINMX or NOLEGITCONTENT or FROMNOMATCH which are hidden
from the headers. The last column either adds or subtracts weight if the
test is NOT triggered eg.

NOLEGITCONTENT  NOLEGITCONTENT  x       x       0       -5


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ing.
Andrés E. Gallo
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 11:36 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] why not adding to X-Declude-Scan?

Hello everyone,

I observed that one of my filters, 'Asunto' hit a '6' but, in the total
score, it's not added to it, so WEIGHT14 in my case, it's not triggered.
What could be wrong?

X-Declude-Note: E-mail scaneado con Declude JunkMail por SPAM - Scanned by
Declude 4.3.46 "";
X-Declude-Scan: Puntuacion: [12] a las 12:12:02 el 19 Jul 2007
X-Declude-Tests: ZEN [7], ROUTING [2], SUBCHARS-50 [1], FILTER-COUNTRY [2],
X-Country-Chain: [Multicast]->FRANCE->ARGENTINA->destination
X-Declude-Code: 2000010f



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