Hello Markus,

Thank you for your contribution. I'm releasing the hold messages using a
program alias in IMail, so the recipients could just send an email to
the alias address to unblock the email. Following is the little cmd
script, as you can see it uses some of the GNU tools for Win32 that you
could find at http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/

I found it very useful in cases that the end user has access to email
but no the web.

I know that it should have been better to write it in VB script, Perl or
other language, but I don't have skills in those and besides it's
working quite well as a batch file. :-)

As you have discovered when multiple recipients are in place, if one of
then sends the request, the message is released for all of them. In my
opinion I consider it as a minor glitch.

>From now on all my vulnerabilities hold notifications will have both
options, send an email to our program alias and the link to your asp

Where are you from? I'm in Bolivia - South America.

Adolfo Justiniano
Santa Cruz BBS

<<< unblock_email.cmd >>>

@echo off
rem Paths
set holdpath=d:\imail\spool\virus
set spoolpath=d:\imail\spool
set imailpath=c:\imail
rem The following lines get the sender's address to send the
rem if the message has several from: it uses the one that is at the top
grep -i "from:" %1|gawk "{for (i=2;i<NF+1;i++)print NR,$i}"|grep
"@"|grep "1 "|cut -d "<" -f 2-|cut -d ">" -f 1 >%1.1
for /f %%i in (%1.1) do set sender=%%i
rem The following lines get the message's subject that is where the
sender should send the spool name
grep -i "subject:" %1|gawk "{print NR,$0}"|grep "1 "|cut -d ":" -f
for /f "delims=" %%i in (%1.1) do set subject=%%i
rem The following lines get just the spool name without the leading D,
needed to process the D* and the Q* files
rem it also gets rid of any * or ? that a malicious user could have
included (Does your ASP code has provision for that?)
grep -i ".smd" %1.1|cut -d "D" -f 2-|grep -v "*"|grep -v "?">%1
for /f %%i in (%1) do set message=%%i
rem Deletes the file passed by IMail and the work file
del %1
del %1.1
rem If the Subject doesn't have a valid spool name or if any of the
files doesn't exist go to the error label
if "%message%"=="" goto error
if not exist %holdpath%\D%message% goto error
if not exist %holdpath%\Q%message% goto error
rem Move the files back to the queue
move /Y %holdpath%\D%message% %spoolpath%
move /Y %holdpath%\Q%message% %spoolpath%
rem Send success confirmation. In unblock_email_success.txt write an
small text confirming the unblock.
%imailpath%\imail1 -f %imailpath%\unblock_email_success.txt -s "E-mail
unblocked:%subject%" -t "%sender%" -u [EMAIL PROTECTED]
goto end
rem Send failure message. In unblock_email_error.txt write a text
explaining what mistakes the user could have done
%imailpath%\imail1 -f %imailpath%\unblock_email_error.txt -s "Error
while unblocking E-mail:%subject%" -t "%sender%" -u

<<< End >>>

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Markus Gufler
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 1:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.Virus] Vulnerabilities explained

BTW: I've attached to this mail a short ASP-Script that requeues a
spoolfile from the virus folder.

Simply set a link in your vulnerability.eml file to


The recipient of the vuln.warning can simply click on this link to
requeue the hold message.

Note: the anonymous user of this web (IIS) must have read/write access
to declude virus and Imail spoolfolder.


[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by the Santa Cruz BBS anti-virus system]

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

This E-mail came from the Declude.Virus mailing list.  To
unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
type "unsubscribe Declude.Virus".    The archives can be found
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