Just to expand upon a thread on the JunkMail list, I was burnt today by a failure in F-Prot to properly detect standard zip file viruses from the new variant today (it was throwing ERROR 8 until about 6 p.m. EST), and AVG's issues stemming from broken support of their /ARCW and /RTW switches essentially means that AVG won't report on zip files containing viruses and therefore Declude is useless with zip files and AVG version 7.0.251 or later, which is too bad because it appears that AVG released the new definitions before 90% of this virus traffic hit which was missed by F-Prot.

The net result of this in combination of a huge outbreak of viruses today was about 130 of these zip files getting through Declude Virus and I would imagine that between 10% and 20% of these got through Declude JunkMail. The bulk of this happened in just 3 hours.

I wrote AVG about this issue, but I don't think I care to wait for a fix at this point. They broke their product 3 ways on June 10th and still haven't fixed it. I'm ready to take another look at Clam-AV which was still having issues with Clamd the last time I checked. If anyone has some updated information on the daemon's Window's support and stability, please chime in.


MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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