I am running 1.79 (I don't remember which interim but
I wil D/l the latest)
I have in my global config:


OK, that will ban encrypted .ZIP files, and .ZIP files that have files within them with banned file extensions.

I am still getting some e-mails through.  They are zip files 67bytes or so
and don't seem to have anything in them nor are they password protected. Any
way to stop them other than using banname on the following:

The problem is that these aren't viruses. At 67 bytes, they don't contain any actual data. Most likely, some bogus mailserver AV program detected the viruses that were in them, removed the viruses, but left the "shell" .ZIP file with nothing in it. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to block such E-mails (but fortunately, they are not at all dangerous).

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers since 2000.
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[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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