I think it's just another individual with antisocial personality disorder (http://www.mentalhealth.com/dis1/p21-pe04.html) who will say or do anything in order to illicit a critical response from us. These guys love it when you draw the connection between them and terrorism and warn your users about the dangers of their code.

If real terrorists wanted to be doing us harm, they wouldn't be futzing around with a dime-a-dozen viruses, they would be building networks of zombies for powerful and extended DDOS attacks on infrastructure. Such tactics have already been done by a 16 year old circa 2001, so this may be beneath them.

Real terrorists don't strive to become just simply a nuisance, but mentally ill social misfits will take whatever they can get. I however won't put it past some of these guys doing it just for fun.

I think it's best to put the plastic sheets and duct tape away for the time being :)


marc catuogno wrote:

What do you guys think of this?


I've forwarded it to all my users, maybe they will take their computer
security more seriously.


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