How can we ensure that all Excel files are allowed unless they fail the Virus scan? The name of the file should not be an issue. Either the file is clean or it is not. Our clients don't understand and simply want to get the Excel files they expect.

The problem is that they are *not* Excel files. By the name, they are unknown files. And as such, they must be treated as potentially dangerous files.

Remember, Declude Virus does not treat these as vulnerabilities -- it just ensures that they receive the "harshest" treatment possible. That means that if the worst thing you do to a file is scan it, then it just gets scanned. If the worst thing you do is block a file, it will get blocked.

The user can, of course, fix the problem by using a mail client that works properly.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers since 2000.
Declude Virus: Ultra reliable virus detection and the leader in mailserver vulnerability detection.
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[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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