Já faz tempo que não uso o Paradox mas também penei com esse problema.
Na época um colega mandou o documento abaixo que foi tiro e queda.


Technical documents from Inprise
Technical Information Document (TI2993) Removing "Lock file has grown too
large" Error

Product: BDE
Version: All
Platform: Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT

Lock file has grown too large, Decimal:9495 Hex:2517
This problem is specific to Paradox tables and can be caused in any BDE (16
or 32 Bit) application that meet some or all of the following criteria:

The Executable is in the same directory as the table.
The Private Directory is not correctly set or not set at all.
Delphi: Having a TTable open on a paradox table and then performing multiple
TQuery operations.
C / C++: Having a table open with DbiOpenTable and then performing multiple
queries with DbiQExec and/or DbiQExecDirect.
LOCAL SHARE set to true in the BDE Configuration Utility on the System page.
To solve the problem, make sure that your application has done ALL of the

Under the directory where the executable is, create three new directories:
TABLES, PRIV, and NET. Place all the tables for the application into the
TABLES directory.
Set the session's private directory to the PRIV directory. Take the
following steps according to the software you are using.
Session.PrivateDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'PRIV';

C / C++:
// szPath is the fully qualified path (not relative) to the PRIV directory.

Set the session's network directory to the NET directory. Take the following
steps according to the software you are using.
Session.NetFileDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'NET';

C / C++:
DbiSetProp(hSes, sesNETFILE, (UINT32)szPath);
// szPath is the fully qualified path (not relative) to the NET directory.

// hSes is the current session handle. This can be retrieved using the
DBiGetCurrSession function.

If LOCAL SHARE is set to true and you are not sharing tables between
different applications at the same time, change LOCAL SHARE to false.
The above steps will correct the Lock File Too Large error.


DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to
the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the
Borland product to which this information pertains.

Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 INPRISE Corporation. Last modified on


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