Delphi 7 + IBX + FB 1. Pessoal, como descobrir se houve algum erro durante o evento de backup abaixo? 2. Um simples Try/Except resvolveria para tratar os erros no evento abaixo?
Um abraço, Valdir Marcos procedure TMainForm.BackupBtnClick(Sender: TObject); begin with IBBackupService do begin BuMemo.Lines.Clear; try ShowWait; Active := True; ServiceStart; while not EOF do begin BuMemo.Lines.Add(GetNextLine); Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; finally Active := False; ShowNormal; end; //try end; //with end; IBBackupService In this example the output of the backup operation is shown in the memo component named BuMemo. To retrieve the backup progress messages you must set the Verbose property to True then call the GetNextLine method repeatedly until the backup is finished. In the code shown above setting the Active property to True attaches the component to the Interbase backup service on the designated server. Calling the ServiceStart method actually starts the backup operation. The while loop calls GetNextLine to retrieve the next progress message and adds the message to the memo component. This continues until the IBBackup component's EOF property is True signalling the end of the backup. The Options property of IBBackupService gives you the same backup options provided by gbak. The options are: IgnoreChecksum Ignore checksum errors in the database. IgnoreLimbo Ignore transactions in the limbo state. MetadataOnly Backup the metadata but not the data so a restore will create a new empty database. NoGarbageCollection Do not delete old record versions. OldMetadataDesc Backup metadata in the old format. NonTransportable Backup in non-transportable format. This will be faster but the backup cannot be restored on another platform. ConvertExtTables Convert external tables to internal tables and back them up. [As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas] -- <<<<< FAVOR REMOVER ESTA PARTE AO RESPONDER ESTA MENSAGEM >>>>> <*> Para ver as mensagens antigas, acesse: <*> Para falar com o moderador, envie um e-mail para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Links do Yahoo! Grupos <*> Para visitar o site do seu grupo na web, acesse: <*> Para sair deste grupo, envie um e-mail para: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> O uso que você faz do Yahoo! Grupos está sujeito aos: