Ridson Xavier de Moura wrote:
> não entendi como o MemCheck funciona, olha o log q ele gerou:

Experimenta remover um AlgumaCoisa.Free e rodar a aplicação novamente.

Joao Morais

> MemCheck version 2.75
> TOP 10 Leaks: begin
> TOP 10 Leaks: end
> Total leak: 0 bytes
> *** MEMCHK: Blocks STILL allocated ***
> *** MEMCHK: End of allocated blocks ***
> *** MEMCHK: Chronological leak information ***
> *** MEMCHK: End of chronological leak information ***
> *** MEMCHK: Blocks written to after destruction ***
>     Bad blocks count: 0
> *** MEMCHK: End of blocks written to after destruction ***

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