Bom dia,
    Eu preciso consumir um webservice feito em java, mas estou tendo 
alguns problemas, na hora de importar o wsdl aparece o seguinte:

************************************************************************ //
  // The following types, referred to in the WSDL document are not being 
  // in this file. They are either alias...@] of other types represented 
or were referred
  // to but never[!] declared in the document. The types from the latter 
  // typically map to predefined/known XML or Borland types; however, 
they could also
  // indicate incorrect WSDL documents that failed to declare or import 
a schema type.
************************************************************************ //
  // !:string          - "";
  // !:cliente         - "";

e não reconhece o tipo string nem a classe cliente que o webservice retorna.

Alguma dica?


__________ Informação do ESET Smart Security, versão da vacina 4302 (20090803) 

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