Certeza absoluta que esse texto foi publicado na coluna “Painel FC” do
caderno de esportes da Folha de São Paulo, edição gringa.





De: delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br [mailto:delphi...@yahoogrupos.com.br] Em
nome de João Carlos
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009 09:21
Para: delphi-br@yahoogrupos.com.br
Assunto: [delphi-br] Leituras da Internet




Reproduzo abaixo um texto encontrado na internet.

"*There are still bugs in Delphi 13 (Weaver) which were KNOWN and 
REPORTED all the way back in Delphi 5 or Delphi 6. That kind of neglect 
is completely outrageous and totally unacceptable. New features? 
Practically non-existent between Delphi 7 and Delphi 2009. The help 
system? A total joke. And 64-bit support? I'm sure we'll have it...right 
around the time we'll start needing 128-bit support. Compiling native 
code for PDAs and mobile platforms? If you need it today, go with 
Microsoft. Or wait another 5-6 years and you MIGHT have it with Delphi.*"



João Carlos

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