Cosmin Prund wrote:
> I tried the following code and got no error. Maybe it's not that...
> <code>
> var F:TSearchRec;
>    status:Integer;
> begin
>  status := FindFirst ('&!3485', faAnyFile, F);
>  while status = 0 do
>    begin
>    status := FindNext (F);
>    end;
>  FindClose (F);
> end.
> </code>

Yes, I would expect that.  I'm using Delphi 5, and the source code 
suggests that FindClose checks if F is valid before calling the Windows 
FindClose routine.

Interestingly, Delphi's DirectoryExists routine doesn't use FindFirst, but 
calls the Windows GetFileAttributes function.  I wonder why?


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