
Do you have a fix or dynamic IP?
If is fix, did you changed your IP recently? (If yes, it may be a redundant 
connection: a user who
used to connect to this IP when it belonged to somebody else and he still want 
to connect to that

What is your IP? 
If you cannot make it public, please send it to my email.
What you have in this page? (What it shows?)

Port 43434 if sometimes used for SSH tunneling. However, I cannot see the 
connection with your
In addition, the 'hacker' uses many different, ascending, ports with great gaps 
between them. This
may appear when the 'hacker' uses a hacking tool to scan the Internet to 

How many connections do you have from this stranger in one hour?


I do not really think you need a protection. Exploits appears for famous web 
servers, when
somebody knows what the weak point is and how to penetrate through that point.
Just keep your server anonymous (do not display any info about the server type 
and version).
In the BEST CASE, a hacker can block/reset your server (flood). It is really 
really really
difficult to penetrate a server and take over your computer/server or to 
delete/replace the web

However, if you still want you can modify the demo to make a small... 
something, I do not know how
to call it.
Is like a firewall but it will trigger only if the visitor try to connect to 
the server more than
20 times in a minute.
If somebody tries to connect even faster 10/sec, then the firewall will trigger 
more quickly.
No decent user will try to request so many pages in a minute. Therefore, you 
can filter the
'enemy' out.


PS: the elementary school is the ideal place for a (small) hacker to hatch and 
Small hacker = script kid
PS2: the server you mentioned ( run currently a SSH server. They 
also have a Telnet,
FTP and of course HTTP. They are also running some strange services that I was 
unable to identify
for sure but I think that server is infected with  NetPort Discovery Port 
Masters Paradise Trojan
Horse (3129 open). So it just scanned your computer purely random.
Still I do not understand why it scanned you more than once.


At the final

As an unwritten rule: the higher is the port used, the greater the chance that 
connection is an
attack (is coming from a 'bad' software with bed indentions).

--- Rich Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have my Indy 9 httpserver running, and I have it store a log of
> which IPs access the site.  There is one persistent visitor who
> shouldn't even be there.  Its from IP address
> When I point IE at that address, I get a web page with asian
> characters on it that says something about Yeonseo elementary
> school.
> Perhaps that site has been permeated by a virus that looks around
> the web for other sites to infect.  Here's the section of log that
> shows what they were after:
> User logged in
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9/nonexistentfile.php received from 
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /adserver/adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /phpAdsNew/adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /phpadsnew/adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /phpads/adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /Ads/adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /ads/adxmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /xmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /xmlrpc/xmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /blog/xmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> User logged in
> Command GET /drupal/xmlrpc.php received from
> User logged out
> Does anyone have any suggestions about components/techniques that
> could provide some security for the server?
> Thanks,
> Rich 
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