Rich Cooper wrote:
> Rob Kennedy wrote:
>> 1. At a command prompt, run the command
>> telnet localhost 80
>> 2. You should get a blank console window. 
> I do - that part works.  
>> Type the following:
>> HEAD / HTTP/1.0
>> What you type might not get echoed back to the screen, so type it 
>> carefully. (You can always start over if you make a mistake.)
> As soon as I type HEAD, it goes to a bunch of squiggly characters
> and says 'connection lost', so this part doesn't work.  I never get to
> the end of the line.  
> Does that mean there is no server running?

Well, something's definitely running, or else you never would have 
gotten past step 1, and there would have been nothing to send you any 
other characters. You might try using GET instead of HEAD. Other than 
that, I don't know.

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