> The MS jargon of the day is COM object - who know what they will call it
> tommorrow..

COM+ I beleive. If they ever get it out.

> Sort of - I have written COM objects in D3 & D4 that talk to Access/SQL
> 6.5 DB's and are driven from VB & JavaScript ASP pages.  Its pretty easy
> to create simple COM objects (see the Delphi help) that do the job.  As
> for driving the COM objects from VBScript (shouldn't that be VBA?), that
> is outside of the scope of this mail list - perhaps ask MS...

Should be the same - they are all COM objects. If you are in Auckland, you
really should have gone to the inprise thing which was on in AK today (dunno
if its on anymore - ie, in other places - it was CORBA day yesterday,
COM+MTS day today). Try www.esperanto.org.nz in a day or so when Richard
puts the material up - should have some info in there.,

> Sorry - left the source to my COM objects with my previous company...

:) I might be able to make some if I have time over the weekend (not too
likely). Look on the DSP as well, I think there is some there for doing
ASP-able activeX objects.


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                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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