Simon wrote:

> We're putting together a mission critical system for deployment to Asia.
> I've almost convinced my boss to deploy Interbase as the database engine,
> but the other two members of my team have come forward with a preference
> for using MS Access instead.

Not real-life story, just informed opinion, but: Access was and 
has never seemed to be the kind of database one would use to 
deploy "mission critical" applications which involve the regular 
replacement of lots of data. Reservations about that kind of issue 
make it non-favoured in the dynamic Web application 
environment, for example (cf: numerous mentions and the 
occasional discussion on the WebHub list over the years).  

Interbase, in contrast, is near-perfect for this kind of thing.

Relative costs aside, given a choice between the two, I wouldn't 
hesitate for a nano-second. And there's many way to count 


Peter Hyde, SPIS Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand 
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