This is a tad off topic so sorry in advance...

We have the need to send notification of non-interactive task results.  I 
thought I could use email for this.  Problem:  We use Notus Lotes internally 
so the client is required and a user login.  It's also a bit big and heavy 
for what we need.

So I thought I could send a simple SMTP email directo to the Domino server 
cause Delphi does SMTP - I only need to send an email to a user, no need to 
read a mail box.  But I don't think Notes will do this or if it does our 
tech guys don't know or won't tell me.

SO, I thought, I'll install an SMTP server on our own development server and 
then I can do what I like.  As MS IIS comes with one, this seemed a good 
choice (it's free!).  Wrong!!  I can't get it to work.

Can anyone reccommend a simple, easy to understand, liteweight SMTP server 
that I can send to from Delphi and read using Outlook express or some other 
client.  Any other suggestions accepted gratefully.

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